Got me a METEOR today - 500cc upgrade coming


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477 Owner
I decided the 400cc Hunter needs more time to be tested - so in parallel the 500cc J-engine will be mounted on the Meteor I just got.
I spent all the xmas gift money on it so sorry guys, no parcels this year.
In about a week the 500 set will be ready (its a 83.5mm piston, not a 84mm as planned in the future - the 84s are out of stock for another 6 weeks or so)
The Powertronic V4 arrived today as well.

stay tuned!
Not Quite,
You need 86mm?
this is only a test model, I do not have any 84mm left so this used 83.5 from my Hima will have to do (the Hima is now 500cc).
If it looks good in the future I will use 84mm pistons. its still short a few cc then but here the Italian rule applies.

86mm will not fit in the engine opening without machining it - I am targeting plug and play.